Friday, 31 March 2017

The Lavatron Applet: A Sports Arena Display - Java Tutorials

Lavatron is a sports arena lightbulb display. Normally, an applet doesn’t have much of a history, but this one does. David LaVallée, the author of the ImageMenu applet from Chapter 30, wanted to achieve this kind of effect for a long time. The history of Lavatron begins way back in 1974, when LaVallée was the stick boy for the California Golden Seals of the NHL. David recalls, “Our scoreboard just displayed, well, the score. The game was the thing; there wasn’t much to distract hockey fans other than the dah-dah-dah-dat-dah-dah of the organ player.”

In 1979, LaVallée became fascinated with the idea of a graphical programmable scoreboard when he was the repair guy for the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP 11/34 that ran the scoreboard at the Canadian National Exhibition Stadium (where the Toronto Blue Jays used to play). That scoreboard was based on plain old 100-watt lightbulbs like you use at home. In 1991, Toronto was treated to the Sony Jumbotron HDTV scoreboard at the Skydome: true color, images, video, and three times the height of the Hard Rock Cafe. In 1992, LaVallée wrote the first version of Lavatron in Objective- C and PostScript. Finally, in 1995, Lavatron was written again from scratch to run under Java, and it has undergone several performance tweaks and iterations since. The version shown here has been updated for Java 2.

There are many possible enhancements to Lavatron that you might want to try, such as drawing the source image dynamically in memory rather than downloading it, or scrolling an animated sequence. But it’s an interesting animated display applet that you may find useful as is.

How Lavatron Works

Lavatron is able to present an interesting image onscreen because of a small trick that it employs, and its side effect allows the applet to load very quickly. The reason it loads so quickly is that there isn’t much data transmitted over the Net. The source image is a JPEG image that is 64 times smaller than the displayed image. Each pixel in the source image is scaled up to an 8×8-pixel square. Here is the trick that Lavatron uses to produce the lightbulb effect. An 8×8-pixel image of a transparent circle surrounded by a black bezel, with a white highlight for a dash of style, is painted over the scaled-up color pixel. As an optimization, the bulbs are preassembled into an image that can be painted once for each column. Figure 31-2 shows what the bulb mask looks like blown up. The two white pixels are the highlight. The black pixels in the corner are opaque. Finally, all of the gray pixels in the middle are transparent, to allow the lightbulb color to show through.

Lavatron paints so fast because it doesn’t have to repaint what it has already drawn. The technique of copying the area of the screen that’s good and painting just the portion that’s new is used in many common operations involving scrolling. The awt.Graphics function copyArea( ) takes a portion of an image defined by a rectangle and moves it by an x,y offset from its starting location. As a graphics speed optimization, copyArea( ) is hard to beat. It consistently outperforms any other technique of image rendering, such as the use of drawImage( ), or drawImage( ) through a clipRect( ). Building an image much larger than your applet, which has several source images concatenated into a single image, and then using copyArea to move them into place and clipping the result onscreen is a very fast Java rendering technique.

The Source Code

Lavatron starts by initializing data, which includes loading the source image and creating the column of bulb images. The last stage of the initialization is painting the offscreen (double buffer) image full of dimmed (black) lightbulbs to start the display with a clean image. Subsequent painting of the offscreen image begins by using copyArea( ) to move the existing portion of the image to the left by the width of the column of bulbs about to be added on the right edge. Then the pixel values for the next column are read and used as the color to fill a column of 8×8 rectangles at the right edge of the applet. The transparent column of bulbs is painted, and then the whole backing image is drawn to the screen. Since this applet doesn’t have to do much except scroll the image, it avoids the normal repaint( ) loop by forking a thread that repeatedly calls paint( ), pausing only to call yield( ) to allow other threads to run.

The source code starts with the APPLET tag for Lavatron, shown here. This applet looks best when the width is an even multiple of the bulb size and the height is the bulb size times the source image height. The only parameter is for the name of the source image file, named in img.

  <applet code=Lavatron.class width=560 height=128>
  <param name="img" value="swsm.jpg">
The main applet is small, about 100 lines of Java source code. However, there is also a support class that is required, which is described in the next section.

init( )
The init( ) method first determines the size of the applet by using getSize( ), and then rounds up the size to a multiple of the bulb size, specified by bulbS, and stores it in offw,offh. It then creates an image that size, called offscreen, for use as a double buffer for the display. The Graphics object used for drawing on offscreen is saved in offGraphics. The size of the applet, in bulb units rather than pixels, is stored in bulbsW,bulbsH.

Next, the image of a column of bulbs is created by calling createBulbs( ), passing in the size of the image to create. Then the image named in the img applet parameter is loaded. This is done by passing the result of getImage( ) to MediaTracker’s addImage( ) method, and then calling waitForID( ), which waits until the image is fully loaded before returning.

To draw the blown-up version of this image, init( ) needs to retrieve the color information for each pixel in the image. First, it obtains the size of the image, using getWidth( ) and getHeight( ), saving the width in pixscan. It then assigns pixels to a new array of pixscan * h integers. Then a PixelGrabber is created. When grabPixels( ) is called, the array is filled in with the color values.

The final step of init( ) is to paint black bulbs on the offscreen image, which makes the effect more dramatic as the image scrolls from the right side revealing lighted bulbs.

createBulbs( )
The createBulbs( ) method is a helper to init( ). It returns an Image of a stack of bulb images that can be used to mask out a column of colored squares to make them look like lit lightbulbs. It is a little tricky, but quite elegant.

First, it allocates the right number of ints in an array to store the pixels. Then, it declares another array, which is a picture of a single bulb, represented by the numbers 0, 1, and 2. The 0s represent black, the 1s transparent pixels, and the 2s represent the white highlight. Next, a short array is declared—bulbCLUT. The 0xff000000 is opaque black. The high-order byte is alpha, or transparency. The 0x00c0c0c0 is a fully transparent light gray, and the 0xffffffff is opaque white.

The for loop runs through each pixel, loading the appropriate 0, 1, or 2 from bulbBits based on the position in the column. This is achieved by use of the mod (%) operator. This value is then used to look up the color from bulbCLUT. Given this array of pixels, createBulbs( ) returns the output of createImage( ), passing in a MemoryImageSource object prepared with the pixels we just constructed.

color( )
The color( ) method returns the color of the pixel at the x,y position in the source image as a Color object. Since this applet runs continuously, we decided not to simply create a new Color object each time a single bulb was painted. This would be abusive of the garbage-collected heap. Instead, unique Color objects are stored in a hash table. The maximum number of Color objects in the hash table can be as much as the width times the height of the source image, but in practice, it is usually much less.

update( )
Lavatron overrides update( ) to do nothing, because we don’t want AWT’s implementation to cause flicker.

paint( )
The paint( ) method is quite simple. The first step calls copyArea( ) to move all of the columns to the left by one column’s width. Then a for loop is used to fill the rightmost column with rectangles in the Color of the appropriate pixel, using color( ). The bulb image strip is then painted over the new column. Then the current scrolled position, scrollX, is updated to be one more to the right, modulo the width, pixscan.

start( ), stop( ), and run( )
When the applet starts, it creates and starts a new Thread called t. This thread will call run( ), which will keep calling paint( ) as fast as possible, while maintaining the courtesy of calling yield( ) so that other threads can run. When the applet stop( ) method is called, stopFlag is set to true. This variable is checked by the infinite loop in the run( ) method. Program control breaks from the loop when stopFlag is true.

A useful enhancement would be to introduce a threshold frame rate, say 30 fps (frames per second), and change the call to the yield( ) into an appropriate call to sleep( ) if the rendering is too fast.

The Code
Here is the source code for the Lavatron class:

  import java.applet.*;
  import java.awt.* ;
  import java.awt.image.* ;

  public class Lavatron extends Applet implements Runnable {
    int scrollX;
    int bulbsW, bulbsH;
    int bulbS = 8;
    Dimension d;
    Image offscreen, bulb, img;
    Graphics offgraphics;
    int pixels[];
    int pixscan;
    IntHash clut = new IntHash();
    boolean stopFlag;

    public void init() {
      d = getSize();
      int offw = (int) Math.ceil(d.width/bulbS) * bulbS;
      int offh = (int) Math.ceil(d.height/bulbS) * bulbS;
      offscreen = createImage(offw, offh);
      offgraphics = offscreen.getGraphics();
      bulbsW = offw/bulbS;
      bulbsH = offh/bulbS;

      bulb = createBulbs(bulbS, bulbsH*bulbS);
      try {
        img = getImage(getDocumentBase(), getParameter("img"));
        MediaTracker t = new MediaTracker(this);
        t.addImage(img, 0);
        pixscan = img.getWidth(null);
        int h = img.getHeight(null);
        pixels = new int[pixscan * h];
        PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(img, 0, 0, pixscan, h,
                                           pixels, 0, pixscan);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) { };
      scrollX = 0;
      // paint black bulbs on the offscreen image
      offgraphics.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height);
      for (int x=0; x<bulbsW; x++)
        offgraphics.drawImage(bulb, x*bulbS, 0, null);

    Image createBulbs(int w, int h) {
      int pixels[] = new int[w*h];
      int bulbBits[] = {
      int bulbCLUT[] = { 0xff000000, 0x00c0c0c0, 0xffffffff };
      for (int i=0; i<w*h; i++)
        pixels[i] = bulbCLUT[bulbBits[i%bulbBits.length]];
      return createImage(new MemoryImageSource(w, h, pixels, 0, w));

    public final Color color(int x, int y) {
      int p = pixels[y*pixscan+x];
      Color c;
      if ((c=(Color)clut.get(p)) == null)
        clut.put(p, c = new Color(p));
      return c;

    public void update() {}

    public void paint(Graphics g) {
      offgraphics.copyArea(bulbS, 0, bulbsW*bulbS-bulbS, d.height,
                           -bulbS, 0);
      for (int y=0; y<bulbsH; y++) {
        offgraphics.setColor(color(scrollX, y));
        offgraphics.fillRect(d.width-bulbS, y*bulbS, bulbS, bulbS);
      offgraphics.drawImage(bulb, d.width-bulbS, 0, null);
      g.drawImage(offscreen, 0, 0, null);
      scrollX = (scrollX + 1) % pixscan;

    Thread t;
    public void run() {
      while (true) {
        try{t.yield();} catch(Exception e) { };

    public void start() {
      t = new Thread(this);
      stopFlag = false;

    public void stop() {
      stopFlag = true;

IntHash( )
As mentioned in the preceding section, Color objects are stored in a hash table rather than creating the same ones over and over. As a further optimization, we created our own version of Java’s Hashtable class, which uses normal ints as keys rather than requiring an Object handle.

Integer data needs much less room to store in the pixel array than Color objects, so we use a hash table as a mechanism to look up Color objects from the integer value of any individual pixel. Creating Color objects on the fly from the integer value of each pixel is very expensive, because it creates a lot of memory garbage that must be collected. One possible solution would be to use a Java Hashtable, except that doing so would create just as much garbage, since only objects can be used as keys in a standard Java hash table. Thus, to store an int in Java’s hash table, you would have to create a new Integer object as a key to be matched. In a high duty cycle applet like Lavatron, garbage Integer objects would be created by the thousands per second. This is not a good solution.

The proper solution was to build our own hash table, IntHash, which uses the integer data type values rather than the Integer object for its keys. IntHash is about 60 lines of code. The IntHash class duplicates the interface of the java.util.Hashtable class with the exception that the type of the argument to put( ) and get( ) is an int data type rather than an Object. There’s no need to explain how a hash table works in this chapter, but suffice it to say that put(42, “Hello”) == get(42).

The Code
Here is the source code for the IntHash class:

  class IntHash {
    private int capacity;
    private int size;
    private float load = 0.7F;
    private int keys[];
    private Object vals[];
    public IntHash(int n) {
      capacity = n;
      size = 0;
      keys = new int[n];
      vals = new Object[n];

    public IntHash() {

    private void rehash() {
      int newcapacity = capacity * 2 + 1;
      Object newvals[] = new Object[newcapacity];
      int newkeys[] = new int[newcapacity];
      for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
        Object o = vals[i];
        if (o != null) {
          int k = keys[i];
          int newi = (k & 0x7fffffff) % newcapacity;
          while (newvals[newi] != null)
            newi = (newi + 1) % newcapacity;
          newkeys[newi] = k;
          newvals[newi] = o;
      capacity = newcapacity;
      keys = newkeys;
      vals = newvals;

    public void put(int k, Object o) {
      int i = (k & 0x7fffffff) % capacity;
      while (vals[i] != null && k != keys[i]) // hash collision.
        i = (i + 1) % capacity;
      if (vals[i] == null)
      keys[i] = k;
      vals[i] = o;
      if (size > (int)(capacity * load))

    public final Object get(int k) {
      int i = (k & 0x7fffffff) % capacity;
      while (vals[i] != null && k != keys[i]) // hash miss
        i = (i + 1) % capacity;
      return vals[i];

    public final boolean contains(int k) {
      return get(k)!=null;

    public int size() {
      return size;

    public int capacity() {
      return capacity;

Hot Lava

This applet is another small example of the kind of amazing performance you can squeeze out of Java if you are careful and diligent. David LaVallée uses many tricks to avoid excessive memory allocation and unnecessary calls to AWT drawing functions. Creating the lightbulb mask image from a small array of integers rather than a loaded GIF image saves download time and increases flexibility. The use of paint(getGraphics( )) rather than repaint( ) increases frame rate significantly. The performance gains from using copyArea( ) over rerendering the image or calling drawImage( ) are profound. Finally, the creation and use of IntHash makes for that last performance boost by not forcing the system to garbage-collect as often.

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