The SimpleTimeZone class is a convenient subclass of TimeZone. It implements TimeZone’s abstract methods and allows you to work with time zones for a Gregorian calendar. It also computes daylight saving time. SimpleTimeZone defines four constructors. One is
SimpleTimeZone(int timeDelta, String tzName)
This constructor creates a SimpleTimeZone object. The offset relative to Greenwich mean time (GMT) is timeDelta. The time zone is named tzName. The second SimpleTimeZone constructor is
SimpleTimeZone(int timeDelta, String tzId, int dstMonth0,
int dstDayInMonth0, int dstDay0, int time0,
int dstMonth1, int dstDayInMonth1, int dstDay1,
int time1)
Here, the offset relative to GMT is specified in timeDelta. The time zone name is passed in tzId. The start of daylight saving time is indicated by the parameters dstMonth0, dstDayInMonth0, dstDay0, and time0. The end of daylight saving time is indicated by the parameters dstMonth1, dstDayInMonth1, dstDay1, and time1. The third SimpleTimeZone constructor is
SimpleTimeZone(int timeDelta, String tzId, int dstMonth0,
int dstDayInMonth0, int dstDay0, int time0,
int dstMonth1, int dstDayInMonth1, int dstDay1,
int time1, int dstDelta)
Here, dstDelta is the number of milliseconds saved during daylight saving time. The fourth SimpleTimeZone constructor is:
SimpleTimeZone(int timeDelta, String tzId, int dstMonth0,
int dstDayInMonth0, int dstDay0, int time0,
int time0mode, int dstMonth1, int dstDayInMonth1,
int dstDay1, int time1, int time1mode, int dstDelta)
Here, time0mode specifies the mode of the starting time, and time1mode specifies the mode of the ending time. Valid mode values include
The time mode indicates how the time values are interpreted. The default mode used by the other constructors is WALL_TIME. This constructor and the mode values were added by Java 2, version 1.4.
The Locale class is instantiated to produce objects that each describe a geographical or cultural region. It is one of several classes that provide you with the ability to write programs that can execute in several different international environments. For example, the formats used to display dates, times, and numbers are different in various regions.
Internationalization is a large topic that is beyond the scope of this book. However, most programs will only need to deal with its basics, which include setting the current locale.
The Locale class defines the following constants that are useful for dealing with the most common locales:
For example, the expression Locale.CANADA represents the Locale object for Canada. The constructors for Locale are
Locale(String language)
Locale(String language, String country)
Locale(String language, String country, String data)
These constructors build a Locale object to represent a specific language and in the case of the last two, country. These values must contain ISO-standard language and country codes. Auxiliary browser and vendor-specific information can be provided in data. The first constructor was added by Java 2, version 1.4.
Locale defines several methods. One of the most important is setDefault( ), shown here:
static void setDefault(Locale localeObj)
This sets the default locale to that specified by localeObj.
Some other interesting methods are the following:
final String getDisplayCountry( )
final String getDisplayLanguage( )
final String getDisplayName( )
These return human-readable strings that can be used to display the name of the country, the name of the language, and the complete description of the locale.
The default locale can be obtained using getDefault( ), shown here:
static Locale getDefault( )
Calendar and GregorianCalendar are examples of classes that operate in a localesensitive manner. DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat also depend on the locale.
The Random class is a generator of pseudorandom numbers. These are called pseudorandom numbers because they are simply uniformly distributed sequences. Random defines the following constructors:
Random( )
Random(long seed)
The first version creates a number generator that uses the current time as the starting, or seed, value. The second form allows you to specify a seed value manually.
If you initialize a Random object with a seed, you define the starting point for the random sequence. If you use the same seed to initialize another Random object, you will extract the same random sequence. If you want to generate different sequences, specify different seed values. The easiest way to do this is to use the current time to seed a Random object. This approach reduces the possibility of getting repeated sequences.
The Methods Defined by Random
boolean nextBoolean( ): Returns the next boolean random number. (Added by Java 2)
void nextBytes(byte vals[ ]): Fills vals with randomly generated values.
double nextDouble( ): Returns the next double random number.
float nextFloat( ): Returns the next float random number.
double nextGaussian( ): Returns the next Gaussian random number.
int nextInt( ): Returns the next int random number.
int nextInt(int n): Returns the next int random number within the range zero to n. (Added by Java 2)
long nextLong( ): Returns the next long random number.
void setSeed(long newSeed): Sets the seed value (that is, the starting point for the random number generator) to that specified by newSeed.
As you can see, there are seven types of random numbers that you can extract from a Random object. Random Boolean values are available from nextBoolean( ). Random bytes can be obtained by calling nextBytes( ). Integers can be extracted via the nextInt( ) method. Long integers, uniformly distributed over their range, can be obtained with nextLong( ). The nextFloat( ) and nextDouble( ) methods return a uniformly distributed float and double, respectively, between 0.0 and 1.0. Finally, nextGaussian( ) returns a double value centered at 0.0 with a standard deviation of 1.0. This is what is known as a bell curve.
Here is an example that demonstrates the sequence produced by nextGaussian( ). It obtains 100 random Gaussian values and averages these values. The program also counts the number of values that fall within two standard deviations, plus or minus, using increments of 0.5 for each category. The result is graphically displayed sideways on the screen.
// Demonstrate random Gaussian values.
import java.util.Random;
class RandDemo {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Random r = new Random();
double val;
double sum = 0;
int bell[] = new int[10];
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
val = r.nextGaussian();
sum += val;
double t = -2;
for(int x=0; x<10; x++, t += 0.5)
if(val < t) {
System.out.println("Average of values: " +
// display bell curve, sideways
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
for(int x=bell[i]; x>0; x--)
Here is a sample program run. As you can see, a bell-like distribution of numbers is obtained.
Average of values: 0.0702235271133344
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