THE CODE Here is the source code for httpd:
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
class httpd implements Runnable, LogMessage {
private int port;
private String docRoot;
private LogMessage log;
private Hashtable cache = new Hashtable();
private boolean stopFlag;
private static String version = "1.0";
private static String mime_text_html = "text/html";
private static String CRLF = "\r\n";
private static String indexfile = "index.html";
private static int buffer_size = 8192;
static String mt[] = { // mapping from file ext to Mime-Type
"txt", "text/plain",
"html", mime_text_html,
"htm", "text/html",
"gif", "image/gif",
"jpg", "image/jpg",
"jpeg", "image/jpg",
"class", "application/octet-stream"
static String defaultExt = "txt";
static Hashtable types = new Hashtable();
static {
for (int i=0; i<mt.length;i+=2)
types.put(mt[i], mt[i+1]);
static String fnameToMimeType(String filename) {
if (filename.endsWith("/")) // special for index files.
return mime_text_html;
int dot = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
String ext = (dot > 0) ? filename.substring(dot+1): efaultExt;
String ret = (String) types.get(ext);
return ret != null ? ret : (String)types.get(defaultExt);
int hits_served = 0;
int bytes_served = 0;
int files_in_cache = 0;
int bytes_in_cache = 0;
int hits_to_cache = 0;
private final byte toBytes(String s)[] {
byte b[] = s.getBytes();
return b;
private MimeHeader makeMimeHeader(String type, int length) {
MimeHeader mh = new MimeHeader();
Date curDate = new Date();
TimeZone gmtTz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
SimpleDateFormat sdf =
new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss zzz");
mh.put("Date", sdf.format(curDate));
mh.put("Server", "JavaCompleteReference/" + version);
mh.put("Content-Type", type);
if (length >= 0)
mh.put("Content-Length", String.valueOf(length));
return mh;
private String error(int code, String msg, String url) {
String html_page = "<body>" + CRLF +
"<h1>" + code + " " + msg + "</h1>" + CRLF;
if (url != null)
html_page += "Error when fetching URL: " + url + CRLF;
html_page += "</body>" + CRLF;
MimeHeader mh = makeMimeHeader(mime_text_html, html_
HttpResponse hr = new HttpResponse(code, msg, mh);
logEntry("GET", url, code, 0);
return hr + html_page;
// Read 'in' until you get two \n's in a row.
// Return up to that point as a String.
// Discard all \r's.
private String getRawRequest(InputStream in)
throws IOException {
byte buf[] = new byte[buffer_size];
int pos=0;
int c;
while ((c = != -1) {
switch (c) {
case '\r':
case '\n':
if (buf[pos-1] == c) {
return new String(buf,0,pos);
buf[pos++] = (byte) c;
return null;
static String months[] = {
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
private String host;
// fmt02d is the same as C's printf("%02d", i)
private final String fmt02d(int i) {
if(i < 0) {
i = -i;
return ((i < 9) ? "-0" : "-") + i;
else {
return ((i < 9) ? "0" : "") + i;
private void logEntry(String cmd, String url, int code,
int size) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
int tzmin = calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET)/(60*1000);
int tzhour = tzmin / 60;
tzmin -= tzhour * 60;
log.log(host + " - - [" +
fmt02d(calendar.get(Calendar.DATE) ) + "/" +
months[calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)] + "/" +
calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) + ":" +
fmt02d(calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) ) + ":" +
fmt02d(calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) ) + ":" +
fmt02d(calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)) + " " +
fmt02d(tzhour) + fmt02d(tzmin) +
"] \"" +
cmd + " " +
url + " HTTP/1.0\" " +
code + " " +
size + "\n");
bytes_served += size;
private void writeString(OutputStream out, String s)
throws IOException {
private void writeUCE(OutputStream out, UrlCacheEntry uce)
throws IOException {
HttpResponse hr = new HttpResponse(200, "OK",;
writeString(out, hr.toString());
out.write(, 0, uce.length);
logEntry("GET", uce.url, 200, uce.length);
private boolean serveFromCache(OutputStream out, String url)
throws IOException {
UrlCacheEntry uce;
if ((uce = (UrlCacheEntry)cache.get(url)) != null) {
writeUCE(out, uce);
return true;
return false;
private UrlCacheEntry loadFile(InputStream in, String url,
MimeHeader mh)
throws IOException {
UrlCacheEntry uce;
byte file_buf[] = new byte[buffer_size];
uce = new UrlCacheEntry(url, mh);
int size = 0;
int n;
while ((n = >= 0) {
uce.append(file_buf, n);
size += n;
cache.put(url, uce);
bytes_in_cache += uce.length;
return uce;
private UrlCacheEntry readFile(File f, String url)
throws IOException {
if (!f.exists())
return null;
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
int file_length = in.available();
String mime_type = fnameToMimeType(url);
MimeHeader mh = makeMimeHeader(mime_type, file_length);
UrlCacheEntry uce = loadFile(in, url, mh);
return uce;
private void writeDiskCache(UrlCacheEntry uce)
throws IOException {
String path = docRoot + uce.url;
String dir = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"));
dir.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
new File(dir).mkdirs();
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(path);
out.write(, 0, uce.length);
// A client asks us for a url that looks like this:
// we go get it from the site and return it...
private void handleProxy(OutputStream out, String url,
MimeHeader inmh) {
try {
int start = url.indexOf("://") + 3;
int path = url.indexOf('/', start);
String site = url.substring(start, path).toLowerCase();
int port = 80;
String server_url = url.substring(path);
int colon = site.indexOf(':');
if (colon > 0) {
port = Integer.parseInt(site.substring(colon + 1));
site = site.substring(0, colon);
url = "/cache/" + site + ((port != 80) ? (":" + port) : "") +
if (url.endsWith("/"))
url += indexfile;
if (!serveFromCache(out, url)) {
if (readFile(new File(docRoot + url), url) != null) {
serveFromCache(out, url);
// If we haven't already cached this page, open a socket
// to the site's port and send a GET command to it.
// We modify the user-agent to add ourselves... "via".
Socket server = new Socket(site, port);
InputStream server_in = server.getInputStream();
OutputStream server_out = server.getOutputStream();
inmh.put("User-Agent", inmh.get("User-Agent") +
" via JavaCompleteReferenceProxy/" + version);
String req = "GET " + server_url + " HTTP/1.0" + CRLF +
inmh + CRLF;
writeString(server_out, req);
String raw_request = getRawRequest(server_in);
HttpResponse server_response =
new HttpResponse(raw_request);
writeString(out, server_response.toString());
if (server_response.statusCode == 200) {
UrlCacheEntry uce = loadFile(server_in, url,;
out.write(, 0, uce.length);
logEntry("GET", site + server_url, 200, uce.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log("Exception: " + e);
private void handleGet(OutputStream out, String url,
MimeHeader inmh) {
byte file_buf[] = new byte[buffer_size];
String filename = docRoot + url +
(url.endsWith("/") ? indexfile : "");
try {
if (!serveFromCache(out, url)) {
File f = new File(filename);
if (! f.exists()) {
writeString(out, error(404, "Not Found", filename));
if (! f.canRead()) {
writeString(out, error(404, "Permission Denied",
UrlCacheEntry uce = readFile(f, url);
writeUCE(out, uce);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log("Exception: " + e);
private void doRequest(Socket s) throws IOException {
InputStream in = s.getInputStream();
OutputStream out = s.getOutputStream();
String request = getRawRequest(in);
int fsp = request.indexOf(' ');
int nsp = request.indexOf(' ', fsp+1);
int eol = request.indexOf('\n');
String method = request.substring(0, fsp);
String url = request.substring(fsp+1, nsp);
String raw_mime_header = request.substring(eol + 1);
MimeHeader inmh = new MimeHeader(raw_mime_header);
request = request.substring(0, eol);
if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("get")) {
if (url.indexOf("://") >= 0) {
handleProxy(out, url, inmh);
} else {
handleGet(out, url, inmh);
} else {
writeString(out, error(405, "Method Not Allowed", method));
public void run() {
try {
ServerSocket acceptSocket;
acceptSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
while (true) {
Socket s = acceptSocket.accept();
host = s.getInetAddress().getHostName();
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log("accept loop IOException: " + e + "\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log("Exception: " + e);
private Thread t;
public synchronized void start() {
stopFlag = false;
if (t == null) {
t = new Thread(this);
public synchronized void stop() {
stopFlag = true;
log.log("Stopped at " + new Date() + "\n");
public httpd(int p, String dr, LogMessage lm) {
port = p;
docRoot = dr;
log = lm;
// This main and log method allow httpd to be run from
the console.
public static void main(String args[]) {
httpd h = new httpd(80, "c:\\www", null);
h.log = h;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {};
public void log(String m) {
As an added bonus, here is an applet class that gives the HTTP server a functional “front panel.” This applet has two parameters that can be used to configure the server: port and docroot. This is a very simple applet. It makes an instance of the httpd, passing in itself as the LogMessage interface. Then it creates a panel that has a simple label at the top, a TextArea in the middle for displaying the LogMessages, and a panel at the bottom that has two buttons and another label in it. The start( ) and stop( ) methods of the applet call the corresponding methods on the httpd. The buttons labeled “Start” and “Stop” call their corresponding methods in the httpd. Any time a message is logged, the bottom-right Label object is updated to contain the latest statistics from the httpd.
import java.util.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class HTTP extends Applet implements LogMessage,
private int m_port = 80;
private String m_docroot = "c:\\www";
private httpd m_httpd;
private TextArea m_log;
private Label status;
private final String PARAM_port = "port";
private final String PARAM_docroot = "docroot";
public HTTP() {
public void init() {
String param;
// port: Port number to listen on
param = getParameter(PARAM_port);
if (param != null)
m_port = Integer.parseInt(param);
// docroot: web document root
param = getParameter(PARAM_docroot);
if (param != null)
m_docroot = param;
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Label lab = new Label("Java HTTPD");
lab.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 18));
add("North", lab);
m_log = new TextArea("", 24, 80);
add("Center", m_log);
Panel p = new Panel();
p.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,1,1));
add("South", p);
Button bstart = new Button("Start");
Button bstop = new Button("Stop");
status = new Label("raw");
status.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 10));
m_httpd = new httpd(m_port, m_docroot, this);
public void destroy() {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
public void start() {
status.setText("Running ");
clear_log("Log started on " + new Date() + "\n");
public void stop() {
status.setText("Stopped ");
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
String label = ae.getActionCommand();
if(label.equals("Start")) {
else {
public void clear_log(String msg) {
m_log.setText(msg + "\n");
public void log(String msg) {
status.setText(m_httpd.hits_served + " hits (" +
(m_httpd.bytes_served / 1024) + "K), " +
m_httpd.files_in_cache + " cached files (" +
(m_httpd.bytes_in_cache / 1024) + "K), " +
m_httpd.hits_to_cache + " cached hits");
In the files and, the code is built assuming that the document root is “c:\www”. You may need to change this value for your configuration. Because this applet writes to a log file, it can work only if it is trusted. For example, an applet is trusted if it is accessible from the user’s class path.
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
class httpd implements Runnable, LogMessage {
private int port;
private String docRoot;
private LogMessage log;
private Hashtable cache = new Hashtable();
private boolean stopFlag;
private static String version = "1.0";
private static String mime_text_html = "text/html";
private static String CRLF = "\r\n";
private static String indexfile = "index.html";
private static int buffer_size = 8192;
static String mt[] = { // mapping from file ext to Mime-Type
"txt", "text/plain",
"html", mime_text_html,
"htm", "text/html",
"gif", "image/gif",
"jpg", "image/jpg",
"jpeg", "image/jpg",
"class", "application/octet-stream"
static String defaultExt = "txt";
static Hashtable types = new Hashtable();
static {
for (int i=0; i<mt.length;i+=2)
types.put(mt[i], mt[i+1]);
static String fnameToMimeType(String filename) {
if (filename.endsWith("/")) // special for index files.
return mime_text_html;
int dot = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
String ext = (dot > 0) ? filename.substring(dot+1): efaultExt;
String ret = (String) types.get(ext);
return ret != null ? ret : (String)types.get(defaultExt);
int hits_served = 0;
int bytes_served = 0;
int files_in_cache = 0;
int bytes_in_cache = 0;
int hits_to_cache = 0;
private final byte toBytes(String s)[] {
byte b[] = s.getBytes();
return b;
private MimeHeader makeMimeHeader(String type, int length) {
MimeHeader mh = new MimeHeader();
Date curDate = new Date();
TimeZone gmtTz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
SimpleDateFormat sdf =
new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss zzz");
mh.put("Date", sdf.format(curDate));
mh.put("Server", "JavaCompleteReference/" + version);
mh.put("Content-Type", type);
if (length >= 0)
mh.put("Content-Length", String.valueOf(length));
return mh;
private String error(int code, String msg, String url) {
String html_page = "<body>" + CRLF +
"<h1>" + code + " " + msg + "</h1>" + CRLF;
if (url != null)
html_page += "Error when fetching URL: " + url + CRLF;
html_page += "</body>" + CRLF;
MimeHeader mh = makeMimeHeader(mime_text_html, html_
HttpResponse hr = new HttpResponse(code, msg, mh);
logEntry("GET", url, code, 0);
return hr + html_page;
// Read 'in' until you get two \n's in a row.
// Return up to that point as a String.
// Discard all \r's.
private String getRawRequest(InputStream in)
throws IOException {
byte buf[] = new byte[buffer_size];
int pos=0;
int c;
while ((c = != -1) {
switch (c) {
case '\r':
case '\n':
if (buf[pos-1] == c) {
return new String(buf,0,pos);
buf[pos++] = (byte) c;
return null;
static String months[] = {
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
private String host;
// fmt02d is the same as C's printf("%02d", i)
private final String fmt02d(int i) {
if(i < 0) {
i = -i;
return ((i < 9) ? "-0" : "-") + i;
else {
return ((i < 9) ? "0" : "") + i;
private void logEntry(String cmd, String url, int code,
int size) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
int tzmin = calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET)/(60*1000);
int tzhour = tzmin / 60;
tzmin -= tzhour * 60;
log.log(host + " - - [" +
fmt02d(calendar.get(Calendar.DATE) ) + "/" +
months[calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)] + "/" +
calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) + ":" +
fmt02d(calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) ) + ":" +
fmt02d(calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) ) + ":" +
fmt02d(calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)) + " " +
fmt02d(tzhour) + fmt02d(tzmin) +
"] \"" +
cmd + " " +
url + " HTTP/1.0\" " +
code + " " +
size + "\n");
bytes_served += size;
private void writeString(OutputStream out, String s)
throws IOException {
private void writeUCE(OutputStream out, UrlCacheEntry uce)
throws IOException {
HttpResponse hr = new HttpResponse(200, "OK",;
writeString(out, hr.toString());
out.write(, 0, uce.length);
logEntry("GET", uce.url, 200, uce.length);
private boolean serveFromCache(OutputStream out, String url)
throws IOException {
UrlCacheEntry uce;
if ((uce = (UrlCacheEntry)cache.get(url)) != null) {
writeUCE(out, uce);
return true;
return false;
private UrlCacheEntry loadFile(InputStream in, String url,
MimeHeader mh)
throws IOException {
UrlCacheEntry uce;
byte file_buf[] = new byte[buffer_size];
uce = new UrlCacheEntry(url, mh);
int size = 0;
int n;
while ((n = >= 0) {
uce.append(file_buf, n);
size += n;
cache.put(url, uce);
bytes_in_cache += uce.length;
return uce;
private UrlCacheEntry readFile(File f, String url)
throws IOException {
if (!f.exists())
return null;
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
int file_length = in.available();
String mime_type = fnameToMimeType(url);
MimeHeader mh = makeMimeHeader(mime_type, file_length);
UrlCacheEntry uce = loadFile(in, url, mh);
return uce;
private void writeDiskCache(UrlCacheEntry uce)
throws IOException {
String path = docRoot + uce.url;
String dir = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"));
dir.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
new File(dir).mkdirs();
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(path);
out.write(, 0, uce.length);
// A client asks us for a url that looks like this:
// we go get it from the site and return it...
private void handleProxy(OutputStream out, String url,
MimeHeader inmh) {
try {
int start = url.indexOf("://") + 3;
int path = url.indexOf('/', start);
String site = url.substring(start, path).toLowerCase();
int port = 80;
String server_url = url.substring(path);
int colon = site.indexOf(':');
if (colon > 0) {
port = Integer.parseInt(site.substring(colon + 1));
site = site.substring(0, colon);
url = "/cache/" + site + ((port != 80) ? (":" + port) : "") +
if (url.endsWith("/"))
url += indexfile;
if (!serveFromCache(out, url)) {
if (readFile(new File(docRoot + url), url) != null) {
serveFromCache(out, url);
// If we haven't already cached this page, open a socket
// to the site's port and send a GET command to it.
// We modify the user-agent to add ourselves... "via".
Socket server = new Socket(site, port);
InputStream server_in = server.getInputStream();
OutputStream server_out = server.getOutputStream();
inmh.put("User-Agent", inmh.get("User-Agent") +
" via JavaCompleteReferenceProxy/" + version);
String req = "GET " + server_url + " HTTP/1.0" + CRLF +
inmh + CRLF;
writeString(server_out, req);
String raw_request = getRawRequest(server_in);
HttpResponse server_response =
new HttpResponse(raw_request);
writeString(out, server_response.toString());
if (server_response.statusCode == 200) {
UrlCacheEntry uce = loadFile(server_in, url,;
out.write(, 0, uce.length);
logEntry("GET", site + server_url, 200, uce.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log("Exception: " + e);
private void handleGet(OutputStream out, String url,
MimeHeader inmh) {
byte file_buf[] = new byte[buffer_size];
String filename = docRoot + url +
(url.endsWith("/") ? indexfile : "");
try {
if (!serveFromCache(out, url)) {
File f = new File(filename);
if (! f.exists()) {
writeString(out, error(404, "Not Found", filename));
if (! f.canRead()) {
writeString(out, error(404, "Permission Denied",
UrlCacheEntry uce = readFile(f, url);
writeUCE(out, uce);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log("Exception: " + e);
private void doRequest(Socket s) throws IOException {
InputStream in = s.getInputStream();
OutputStream out = s.getOutputStream();
String request = getRawRequest(in);
int fsp = request.indexOf(' ');
int nsp = request.indexOf(' ', fsp+1);
int eol = request.indexOf('\n');
String method = request.substring(0, fsp);
String url = request.substring(fsp+1, nsp);
String raw_mime_header = request.substring(eol + 1);
MimeHeader inmh = new MimeHeader(raw_mime_header);
request = request.substring(0, eol);
if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("get")) {
if (url.indexOf("://") >= 0) {
handleProxy(out, url, inmh);
} else {
handleGet(out, url, inmh);
} else {
writeString(out, error(405, "Method Not Allowed", method));
public void run() {
try {
ServerSocket acceptSocket;
acceptSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
while (true) {
Socket s = acceptSocket.accept();
host = s.getInetAddress().getHostName();
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log("accept loop IOException: " + e + "\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log("Exception: " + e);
private Thread t;
public synchronized void start() {
stopFlag = false;
if (t == null) {
t = new Thread(this);
public synchronized void stop() {
stopFlag = true;
log.log("Stopped at " + new Date() + "\n");
public httpd(int p, String dr, LogMessage lm) {
port = p;
docRoot = dr;
log = lm;
// This main and log method allow httpd to be run from
the console.
public static void main(String args[]) {
httpd h = new httpd(80, "c:\\www", null);
h.log = h;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {};
public void log(String m) {
As an added bonus, here is an applet class that gives the HTTP server a functional “front panel.” This applet has two parameters that can be used to configure the server: port and docroot. This is a very simple applet. It makes an instance of the httpd, passing in itself as the LogMessage interface. Then it creates a panel that has a simple label at the top, a TextArea in the middle for displaying the LogMessages, and a panel at the bottom that has two buttons and another label in it. The start( ) and stop( ) methods of the applet call the corresponding methods on the httpd. The buttons labeled “Start” and “Stop” call their corresponding methods in the httpd. Any time a message is logged, the bottom-right Label object is updated to contain the latest statistics from the httpd.
import java.util.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class HTTP extends Applet implements LogMessage,
private int m_port = 80;
private String m_docroot = "c:\\www";
private httpd m_httpd;
private TextArea m_log;
private Label status;
private final String PARAM_port = "port";
private final String PARAM_docroot = "docroot";
public HTTP() {
public void init() {
String param;
// port: Port number to listen on
param = getParameter(PARAM_port);
if (param != null)
m_port = Integer.parseInt(param);
// docroot: web document root
param = getParameter(PARAM_docroot);
if (param != null)
m_docroot = param;
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Label lab = new Label("Java HTTPD");
lab.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 18));
add("North", lab);
m_log = new TextArea("", 24, 80);
add("Center", m_log);
Panel p = new Panel();
p.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,1,1));
add("South", p);
Button bstart = new Button("Start");
Button bstop = new Button("Stop");
status = new Label("raw");
status.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 10));
m_httpd = new httpd(m_port, m_docroot, this);
public void destroy() {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
public void start() {
status.setText("Running ");
clear_log("Log started on " + new Date() + "\n");
public void stop() {
status.setText("Stopped ");
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
String label = ae.getActionCommand();
if(label.equals("Start")) {
else {
public void clear_log(String msg) {
m_log.setText(msg + "\n");
public void log(String msg) {
status.setText(m_httpd.hits_served + " hits (" +
(m_httpd.bytes_served / 1024) + "K), " +
m_httpd.files_in_cache + " cached files (" +
(m_httpd.bytes_in_cache / 1024) + "K), " +
m_httpd.hits_to_cache + " cached hits");
In the files and, the code is built assuming that the document root is “c:\www”. You may need to change this value for your configuration. Because this applet writes to a log file, it can work only if it is trusted. For example, an applet is trusted if it is accessible from the user’s class path.
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